
ClipClipisfreeclipboardmanagersoftwareforWindowsthatmakesitpossibletocopymultipletexts,imagesorfilestoyourclipboard.,2020年6月15日—Thistoolletsyoumakemultipletextselectionsandcopypasteitinasinglestepforresearchornotemaking.,2023年7月30日—Easyandfastcopytool.Ifyouinstallthisadd-on,youdonotneedtoselectatext.Whatisneeded,justright-clickandclick ...,We'renotjustanotherAItool.We'reasecure,AI-native...


ClipClip is free clipboard manager software for Windows that makes it possible to copy multiple texts, images or files to your clipboard.

Copy Plus Tool

2020年6月15日 — This tool lets you make multiple text selections and copy paste it in a single step for research or note making.

Copy text with Alt

2023年7月30日 — Easy and fast copy tool. If you install this add-on, you do not need to select a text. What is needed, just right-click and click  ...

We're not just another AI tool. We're a secure, AI-native platform for business-critical operations. AI Marketing OS. You set the strategy, our platform ...

EaseUS Disk Copy

EaseUS Disk Copy 是一款界面簡潔、操作直接的硬碟對拷軟體。 無論您的作業系統版本是什麼,這款安全的磁碟複製軟體都會安全地將您的硬碟內容轉移到另一顆硬碟, ...


FastCopy is the Fastest Copy/Backup Software on Windows · It supports UNICODE and over MAX_PATH (260 characters) file pathnames.

Job Copy Tool

使用條款. Job Copy Tool. 授權協議. 自動安裝軟體 .Net Framework Ver.4.0. © Seiko Epson Corporation 2023.

SmartCopyTool download

2021年2月9日 — Selectively copy or move files and folders · Compare and contrast directory structures · Build selections via combinations of filters · Create ...

TeraCopy for Windows

Official site of TeraCopy, a free utility designed to copy files faster and more secure. It can verify copied files to ensure they are identical.